Principal’s Blog – 22 October 2021
October 22, 2021Dear Parents, Students and Staff
The corridors and classrooms of SFX have come alive over the last two weeks with the return of Year 11 & 12 after their lockdown. We will welcome the Year 9 & 10 students back next week and the Year 7 & 8 students on 1 November. Once again, it would be fair to say that the vast majority of students love being on site in the school environment.
We will be challenged by the expectations around social distancing in a large school such as ours. The senior students have been vigilant in adhering to the 1.5m rule and the personal hygiene requirements. We will also be working with the junior students in assisting them with the transition back to school routines.
The 2022 Senior Student Leadership Team has been chosen over recent days. Congratulations to the Year 11 students who have been voted in and accepted the responsibility of being a captain for 2022 and I am very confident that they will lead with distinction. One of the key aspects of a school like ours is that we have all Year 7 to 12 on the campus at the same time, so the junior students see on a daily basis the way the senior students behave, interact and model the behaviours that make for a safe, respectful, inclusive and welcoming school. The current Year 12 students will be leaving a legacy of these very positive attributes that ensures SFX continues to be a welcoming place for all.
A big thank you to everyone in our SFX community for the resilience and persistence in managing the restrictions we have had to endure. I am mindful that some families have been doing it tough especially those who have had reduced hours, lost jobs altogether or for the businesses that have been affected. Catholic Education and SFX have provided support to those families in this predicament. Thank you to the parents for continuing to meet the obligations around school fees as the College has been affected financially as well.
Best wishes
Paul Carroll