Student VET and pathway achievements – 2021 year at a glance
February 23, 2021Year at a glance
A recap of the many opportunities our students participated in on their pathway and transition journeys during 2020…
70 Year 10 Statements of Attainment
21 Year 12 Vocational Certificates and 34 Statements of Attainment
– Hospitality, Creative Industries, Business, and Information, Digital Media and Technology and Construction.
Year 10, 11 and 12 participation in CIT training:
- White card and Asbestos – 36 students
- Working at heights – 13 students
- Brick and Block – 4 students
Year 10, 11 and 12 participation in training delivered by Access Recognised Training
- Responsible Service of Alcohol – 47 students
Work experience
- 18 work experience placements were undertaken by students in Years 10, 11 and 12. Work placements were in a variety of industries including but not limited to, Electrical, Construction, Plumbing and Gas Fitting, Air Conditioning, Automotive and Primary Education.
Australian School-based Apprenticeships – 18 students
- Certificate ll in Retail Services
- Certificate ll in Skills for Work and Vocational Pathways
- Certificate lll in Wall and Floor Tiling
- Certificate lll Electrotechnology Electrician
- Certificate lll in Plumbing
- Certificate lll in Hospitality
- Certificate lll in Hairdressing
- Certificate lll in Construction
- Certificate lll Heavy Commercial Vehicle Mechanical Technology
- Diploma Beauty Therapy
Completed Australian School-based Apprenticeships – 3 students
- Certificate II Resources and Infrastructure Work Preparation
- Certificate II Retail Services
Students had the opportunity to engage in programs that were made available through collaboration with providers such as The Australian Training Company, Access Recognised Training, AIE, CSI, CIT, ANU and Employers ACT and NSW:
- Hospitality Hotstart program
- Women in Trade
- Defence Civilian Undergraduate Scholarship
- Defence Force Recruiting visit
Thank you to those in our community that continue to support our students as they explore the world of work. We couldn’t do it without you!