Principal’s Blog – 28 May 2021
May 28, 2021Dear Parents, Students and Staff
The Athletics Carnival began in fog last Thursday, but thankfully it lifted soon after for everyone to enjoy a glorious day! These types of events are very important in contributing to the culture of a school and the nature of the SFX carnival ensures everyone can contribute and participate regardless of their skill level. The relays were keenly contested as always, and the numerous close finishes energised the crowd with enthusiastic cheering and support from the stands. Congratulations to all the students for their participation on the day. Thank you to the PE staff for organising such a successful carnival and to all the staff who fulfilled the many roles as ‘officials’ managing the events. Congratulations to those students who have now entered the record books and to House Champions, Koorilla!
Catholic Education has decided to change the format and timing of the annual Satisfaction Surveys. Normally these are distributed in Term 3 but will now be distributed in Term 2. In fact, the link will be provided to all parents in the next week. The survey is titled ‘Tell Them from Me’ and will be sent to your email inbox. The feedback assists SFX in the management of the College and helps inform the Annual Improvement Plan.
The Vinnies CEO Winter Sleepout is on 17 June and I will again assist in raising awareness of the plight of our homeless by participating in the event and representing SFX. Vinnies have set a goal of raising $7.98 million nationally and if you could see yourself clear to assist that would be wonderful. I’ve set my fundraising goal at $2,000 – so any contributions would be greatly appreciated. You can donate using this link. Donations can be anonymous if you wish. Thank you in anticipation for your kind support.
Happy birthday to the Church! Pentecost Sunday (23 May) is often referred to as the Birthday of the Church for it was the time when Christ’s mission is complete with the promised Holy Spirit descending on the Apostles and their evangelising mission begins (See Acts 2:1 ff). It was estimated that about 3000 people were converted and baptised on this day, such was the impact of this event.
“Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love.”
Best wishes,
Paul Carroll