In Year 7 our students are carefully transitioned into secondary school.
The learning programme in Year 7 follows the Learning Areas endorsed by the Australian Curriculum, including English, Mathematics, Science, Technologies, Humanities and the Social Sciences, the Arts, Languages and Health and PE.
As a Catholic school, our students also study Religious Education. The Humanities, Mathematics and Science programmes are integrated in Year 7.
Learn moreIn Years 8, 9 and 10 students continue to study in the areas of Religious Education, English, Mathematics, History, Health and PE and Science.
In Years 8, 9 and 10 students have the opportunity to select two elective subjects each semester. These electives have been carefully designed to reflect student interest and agency in learning and provide a diverse range of options in learning pathways.
Learn moreOur senior curriculum is designed to prepare students for their post school pathways, including
university, CIT and the workforce. Students are offered a challenging and diverse subject choice
in their senior years from a wide range of subjects endorsed by the Board of Senior Secondary
Studies (BSSS), as well as opportunities to undertake nationally accredited vocational courses.
Students are supported in their learning by highly skilled teachers of senior studies as well as a
Director of Senior Studies and Coordinator of Data Analytics who track their learning trajectory
and provide guidance, support and advice.
All subjects contribute to the award of a Senior Secondary Certificate and for those seeking an
Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR), the College offers a broad range of subjects to
support this pathway. Those students who elect not to pursue an ATAR may undertake a
school-based apprenticeship.
The SFX Careers Office provides students with the latest information to assist in making decisions about their life beyond school and their future career. Our advisors can also connect students with opportunities including Australian School-Based Apprenticeships, VET courses and work experience.
Vocational Education & Career Education