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Calculate your school fees

Students enrolled

For more than four student enrolments, please contact fees@sfx.act.edu.au


Year level(s)

Enrolment from

If the enrolment date is not within the first two weeks of the term, please contact fees@sfx.act.edu.au for more information.

Pay via

Balance to carry forward

Any up front lump sum

Do you have split billing?

This will calculate a 50/50 split. For any variation in split fee %, please contact fees@sfx.act.edu.au

Building Fund

For more than four student enrolments, please contact fees@sfx.act.edu.au


Do you have children at another school?

Please ensure you have advised SFX of any children and enrolment cohort status at the following schools.

Set up a direct deposit for your fees

Direct debit request form

More information

Visit our school fees page for more information regarding fees and payment.

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