From the Principal – 13 May 2024
May 13, 2024Dear parents and friends,
In the first week of term College staff and students gathered in candlelight in our gymnasium to commemorate ANZAC Day, the theme of which this year was World War II. I am very keen for our students to understand the cultural context of ANZAC and I wish to express my grateful thanks to our guest speaker Lieutenant Colonel Tamara Lee who joined us for our ceremony and delivered such a very contemporary and accessible address, and to our student leaders Charlie Davis, Raziel Colina-Alcazar, Olivia Monaghan, Amelia Hodgson, Leonardo Braybon and Amalija Rozitis who facilitated the ceremony with such dignity and reverence. A number of our staff and students wore their parents and grandparents service medals to what was a most moving and dignified ceremony.
Momentum is continuing to build around Enrolment Period and I was delighted with our College Expo Day at which we welcomed over 360 Year 6 students from our feeder schools for a day of classes, activities and hospitality led by College staff and students. Last week we also welcomed over 300 visitors to the school for tours of our facilities and to meet staff and students. This too was a very successful day and gave our prospective parents and their children the opportunity to view our facilities and the school in operation on a normal school day. Many of our visitors spoke with admiration about our facilities, our learning environment and how impressive our girls and boys are.

Applications for enrolments for Year 7, 2025 close on Friday 31 May.
Our Term 1 Parent Teacher evenings were by all accounts very successful again this year and I am very appreciative of your presence at these events, your feedback about the College and the confidence you have in our teachers and our learning environment. I am keen for Parent Teacher evenings to continue to be a valuable opportunity for you to learn about the learning progress of your girls and boys as well as an opportunity for us to collaborate with you and them about their learning goals for the year ahead. Please don’t hesitate to contact their teachers to meet with them outside of these events if you have questions or concerns.
Last week we held our inaugural Year 11 Information Evening and Careers Expo for our prospective Year 11 and current senior students. It too was a very successful evening at which our Year 10, 11 and 12 students had the opportunity to view and have conversations with our Faculty teams and community partners about senior studies and their post school options. I was very impressed by the accessibility and generosity of our community partners and their obvious enjoyment at being with us for the evening and very thankful for the parents and students who attended.
Our students have made an exceptional start to the term, and I am delighted with their engagement with learning and the routines of College life. Thank you for the many ways in which you support them to succeed in their academic and extra curricular endeavours.
Yours sincerely,
Sandra Darley
College Principal