From the Principal – 14 June 2024
June 14, 2024Dear parents and friends,
There is tremendous momentum at the College at present as our junior and senior students complete their examinations and finalise their assessments and projects. As a result, our classrooms, workshops, studios, and laboratories are being very well utilised by engaged and active learners who are a great source of pride and a credit to themselves and to you. As we approach final weeks of term I wish to commend your boys and girls for their energy and enthusiasm for their learning, and their care for their teachers and each other.
St Francis Xavier is deeply committed to the wellbeing of our students as learners because we believe this builds optimism and positive engagement in learning and assessment. To that end this week our we held a Senior Student wellbeing morning at which our students focused on a whole range of wellbeing activities and exercises in preparation for their examinations. WIN News were present to film the event and to talk to staff and students and commended us on the work we are doing with our students. Good luck with your exams Year 11 and 12!

You will receive Semester 1 reports at the end of Week 21 and our Assistant Principal Teaching and Learning Jonathan Moyle will write to you with explanatory information to accompany these. This year, I intend to reinstitute our Semester 1 Awards Ceremony as an opportunity to honour the academic and community leadership and endeavour of students and more information will be sent to you about the ceremony early next term.
Our Year 7, 2025 enrolment enquiries are very healthy and reflect confidence in the College, our junior school learning agenda and an outstanding teaching Faculty. I was absolutely delighted by our recent Year 11, 2025 Information Evening and Career Expo at which over 1000 parents, students, guests and community partners joined us to hear about our senior school and post school options. This too was a great tribute to the confidence that our community has in St Francis Xavier as an outstanding Catholic post-secondary pathway in Belconnen.
I had the great privilege of attending the Year 10 Camp at Douglas Park this week. Year 10 were certainly in their element! I cannot commend them enough for their confidence as a group of young people and it was an absolute delight to spend time with them. They will be a wonderful group of senior students and I look forward to them leading our senior school in the next 2 years.

Thank you most sincerely for the wonderful support you give to our boys and girls in their academic and extracurricular endeavours. I am humbled that St Francis Xavier College has such invested and supportive parents and wish each of you and your families a restful mid semester break.
Yours sincerely,
Sandra Darley
College Principal