Joining forces to investigate Ötzi
March 9, 2023Mrs Patterson’s Year 7 Hums students joined with Mr Beattie’s Year 7 STEM students recently to create labelled sculptures of ‘Ötzi the Iceman.’ He is considered Europe’s most famous mummy and his remains were found in a glacier in the Alps. Ötzi had been there for over 5,000 years. This discovery revealed details of his Neolithic life and his potential murder. Students have been learning to think like historians, discussing different theories of Ötzi’s death and considering the evidence. They have then had to form hypothesis about his death, explaining their reasoning.
Clara D & Chloe W
Year 7
My friends and I really enjoyed creating our Otzi sculptures. We learnt about his death and a lot about the lifestyle he had. We used paddlepop sticks to mould the clay. It got mess, but it was super fun!