SFX College Senior Band News
December 9, 2024The SFX College Senior Band were very excited to embark recently on a very long journey to St John’s Primary School. Students showcased their wonderful talents to the whole school and were met with thunderous cheers. Of particular note was the solo of James Tusch on the clarinet who pushed the upper register, awesome groove lines from Emily Smith and Emilio Hill for Grapevine, very loud brass playing by Raziel Colina-Alcazar, Caitlin Millar and also Emily Smith. The percussionists were a big hit, with Samantha Tilyard leading the section, while Elijah Logan, Clare Bakonji and Huon Hogg played a great game of tag for the drum kit. Emily Butters was noted on the glockenspiel and piano, Pranav Kumar on the bass clarinet provided some low notes and Marc Cheah played the guitar with great style.
The audience were very excited to hear Walk the Dinosaur and met the challenge to increase the volume with We Wish You a Merry Christmas. The greatest fun of all was had by playing Jingle Bells several times through, each time faster, until we left Ethan Hunt on the saxophone out of breath and the audience unable to keep up with the lyrics.
We will be recruiting early next year and would love to hear from any woodwind and brass players who would like to join us. Have a great Christmas!
Article supplied by Ms Zimpel, Performing Arts Teacher