APFACTS News | Association of Parents and Friends of ACT Schools
March 19, 2018
Time to shout from the roof tops about the many good deeds happening in school communities!!!
Do you know someone in your school community who has made an outstanding contribution through volunteering at school?
Did you know that of the people who volunteered in the last 12 months in the ACT, the type of organisations chosen included education (30.1%) which is a smidge more than volunteers in sport?
Nominate someone who deserves recognition in your school. Volunteering at school sets such a wonderful example for our children and clearly demonstrates that you think their school is important.
2018 Volunteering Awards – Canberra Region
APFACTS and P&C Council have been working with Volunteering & Contact ACT for the last 6 months on a Volunteering in Education Project. We are looking into ways to attract new people to volunteer at their child’s school and how to promote a positive culture of volunteering in schools.
One of the ways we can do this is by recognising the work already happening in our school communities.
If you’d like some help with your nomination give us a call at the APFACTS office.