Being my Best Self in Relationships | Seminar
May 3, 2018
Year 12s at St Francis Xavier College will participate in a mini-retreat day on 7 May, which will focus on Human Relationships and the Christian Approach to Human Sexuality.
We will welcome four guest speakers to our college: Monsignor John Woods, Branka Van Der Linden, Anna Johnstone and Angus Tulley.
They will reflect on a Catholic vision for relationships, going beyond pop culture to look at what it means to be more fully human and what we can learn from the Church about finding true belonging and staying connected – to God, ourselves and each other.
Father John will talk about how ‘too much and too little is made of sex’ in contemporary society. He will discuss what the Church has to offer as we consider what it means to be human and what role our sexuality plays in our identity as we strive to be our best selves in relationships.
Branka was brought up Catholic but only realised what a treasure her beliefs were when they were questioned and criticised as an adult. Rather than being outdated and oppressive, Branka believes the Catholic faith can bring freedom, life, goodness and lasting happiness.
Angus will talk about relationships: What people need from relationships rather than what people want. He will also reflect on making positive choices and being realistic in terms of expectations in a relationship.
Anna will speak about the simplicities and complexities of human reproduction, sexual and reproductive health and the importance of valuing ourselves deeply and expecting great respect from each other in turn.
Year 12 will spend from 11:10 – 4:30pm on the 7th of May attending this seminar.