College Update – 24 March 2020
March 24, 2020Dear Parents, Carers and Students
Today provided the opportunity for the staff to gather and plan for the remote learning environment.
During our prayer time today, staff reflected on the circumstances that families, members of the SFX community and wider world are faced with in these times. It is a very difficult time for everyone involved. Having parents as staff enables us to keep abreast of some of the issues that others may encounter. I hope that you are managing well under the circumstances.
Staff planning
Across the course of the day we held a number of meetings to discuss arrangements for the remaining weeks of Term 1 and preparing for Term 2.
Tomorrow, we will be conducting professional learning sessions to enhance the remote learning program.
Student learning
Currently all students will have assessment items and/or classwork that they can access on Canvas and work on at home.
Canvas access
Our ICT Coordinator, Peter Crane has this afternoon re-sent parents updated log in details for Canvas. Should you or your child encounter difficulties in logging in please email peter.crane@sfx.act.edu.au
CatholicCare Counsellors
CatholicCare Counsellors continue to work at school. We understand some students may need this type of support at the moment and they are welcome to access the College counsellor. Please contact the College by emailing Counsellor@sfx.act.edu.au to schedule an appointment.
Student attendance process
Thank you to those parents and carers who advised the College that they would be keeping their child/ren at home for the remainder of Term 1. As all absences must be accounted for, I would ask that if you haven’t already done so, please email attendance@sfx.act.edu.au . Parents who have not advised the College that their child will be absent will continue to receive SMS messages until they advise the College of their intention to keep their child at home.
Just a reminder that if your primary email account with SFX is a work account and you are not able to access it during this period please advise the College of an alternative email address so that you can remain informed. Please email records@sfx.act.edu.au if you wish to update your primary email contact.
The staff are in the process of finalising protocols for remote learning. Protocols are procedures that we will adopt to provide clarity around the remote learning environment for staff, students and parents. We will provide these to you in due course.
Opening hours
The school continues to remain open to students whose parents are essential workers, employed in roles that support the community and vulnerable students until at least the end of Term 1, Thursday 9 April, as long as we can operate safely.
I thank you for your continued support and understanding during these times and ask for your continued patience and cooperation while we embed our remote learning practices for the benefit of our student’s learning.
May you recognise God’s presence in your daily lives.
Take care
Paul Carroll, Principal