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Languages, Term 3

August 23, 2024

The SFX Languages Team warmly welcome Ms Natalia Perez Gonzales and Mr Will Charles to our junior Spanish classes this term. Japanese, Spanish and Auslan classes are abuzz this week and next as we prepare for our upcoming interview assessment.

Our community welcomed 18 Japanese students and two accompanying staff in an exchange program during Week 3 this term. We extend our heartfelt thanks to the generous host families of these students, and the student buddies and staff at school who enabled participation in classes. Almost 100 community members joined an exciting farewell party on their final night with us and many memories were made. A massive congratulations to Emma (Y10), Annie and Matthew (Y11) and Emilio (Y12) who delivered exceptional speeches and prayers in Japanese during their stay in Canberra. Visiting students, including our wonderful Belgian exchange student Nicolas, enjoyed excursions together to Tidbinbilla, Mt Ainslie and the National Museum of Australia.

Takefu Highashi High School has a long history spanning almost two decades as our SFX Sister School, and we are thrilled to have the opportunity to return the visit with 27 of our own students and 4 staff from 25 September to 10 October this year. We will travel to Takefu, Hiroshima, Osaka, Kyoto and of course Tokyo! The immersive experience is a fantastic opportunity to grow intercultural understanding, develop language capability in an ambassadorial role for SFX and Australia.

Students attending the Japanese Study Tour are busy with preparations each Monday lunch and benefitted from guest lecture with Bakonji Sensei last week on using Japanese style bathrooms and are busy preparing speeches and making plans for their adventures at Universal Studios Japan!

We wish all Languages students success in their upcoming interactive assessments.

Article supplied by Ms Horsington, Languages Study Coordinator


The College reception is open from 8.15am to 4.15pm, Monday to Friday during the school term.

02 6258 1055

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Florey ACT 2615
PO Box 3248 BC
Belconnen ACT 2617

The student office is open from 8.15am to 4.00pm, Monday to Friday during the school term.



Contact the Enrolment Officer for any questions regarding enrolment at St Francis Xavier College.


St Francis Xavier College Florey
Catholic Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn Education Limited
ABN 60 675 797 734
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