Our #SFXFlorey Newsletter for May 18, 2018
May 18, 2018
St Francis Xavier College puts out a monthly newsletter which is available here as a PDF.
You can also subscribe to receive the newsletter by filling in your details at the following link http://sfx.act.edu.au/newsletter/
Please feel free to send feedback about the formatting, articles or for more information to communications@sfx.act.edu.au.
We hope you enjoy our monthly news which is also available on our website.
- From the Principal
- SFX Promotional Video
- A Mother’s Heart Carries her Heart in your Heart
- Our New Information Guide for SFX
- St Monica’s Cookbook
- Woo-ing Students and Teachers at SFX
- SFX Florey Students Doing ANU Extension
- Being My Best Self | A Catholic Approach to Relationships
- Spiritual Journeys Shared with Year 10
- Sport @ SFX
- Inaugural SFX Writers’ Festival
- Special Provisions in Inclusive Education
- Homestays Required for Italian Students
- MADD Night at SFX
- Screen Smart Parent Tour
- Parentline Information
- Student Office Reminders
- Social Media