Principal’s Blog – 6 May 2021
May 6, 2021Dear Parents, Students and Staff
Happy Easter! Yes, it is still Easter and will be until Pentecost Sunday, 23 May. We give such prominence to Easter Sunday that it is easily forgotten that Easter is a significant period of time in the Church’s calendar. It lasts 50 days – and ‘pente-cost’ comes from the Greek, meaning ‘fiftieth’. Christians are often referred to as ‘Easter people’ which was highlighted when Pope St John Paul II said, “Do not abandon yourself to despair. We are Easter people and Hallelujah is our song”.
You might like to pursue the topic of Easter people further in this article. The sentiments in the opening paragraph are most pertinent currently as we enter the 2022 enrolment period. It was wonderful to see many prospective families at our Information Evening recently – SFX is a popular option as a College. In fact, 20% of all the high school students in the Belconnen region attend SFX. We are well known for our pastoral care and efforts in managing wellbeing and while we have to be a good school academically and provide opportunities in sport and cultural pursuits, we also must be true to our Catholic Identity. We accept students from all faiths and those with none – as long as there is support for the ethos of the College. It is the reason for our existence – the life and teachings of Jesus is the axis on which SFX revolves and we are inspired by the example of St Francis Xavier. Sometimes we have to have difficult conversations with individuals when their attitude or behaviour does not align with our school values. Thankfully, this does not occur too often as people know that SFX has strong values that work for the benefit of all. Visit the Enrolments page on our website to complete the enrolment form for your child starting at SFX in 2022.
Vale Mr Daryl Smeaton. Mr Smeaton was a parent of SFX, Board Chairperson and ultimately the Chair of the ACT Catholic Education Commission and it was with great sadness to hear of his passing. Daryl made a significant contribution to Catholic Education and we acknowledge and appreciate his time and effort in the development of SFX. Our thoughts and prayers are extended to his wife Laurine, children Erin and Luke, and extended family. “May his soul and all the souls of the faithfully departed, rest in peace. Amen.”
Best wishes.
Paul Carroll