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Principal’s Message

October 16, 2019

Term 4 has begun so I trust that staff, students and parents (where possible) had some quality down time with family and friends over the break. Our Canberra based teams (Raiders and Greater Western Sydney (honorary Canberrans)) unfortunately fell short in taking home the respective flags but they both had great seasons and ‘runners-up’ is an honourable result.

The Term includes many major events (see below) which makes for a very hectic finish to the year in the school environment. The list below is provided for you to update your calendar but I also draw your attention to the calendar on the website for additional events.


 Adolescent Mental Well Expo – FREE EVENT

We encourage parents and carers to attend  The Combined Catholic Secondary Colleges Adolescent Mental Health and Wellbeing Expo.  The event provides links to agencies that can assist in caring for teenage daughters and sons in a supportive environment.  This is an adult-only event, no students.

The expo is on Thursday 24 October 2019 at 5:30pm at the Veritas Building ACU Campus, 223 Antill Street, Watson ACT. Please register for this free event.


SFX Day and Mass

On Friday 8 November students will be celebrating SFX Day, in recognition of our Patron Saint’s Feast Day which falls on 3 December.  We celebrate the day early so our Year 12 students can also participate.

The day is a celebration for students and staff commencing with a Mass followed by trivia, market stalls, games and Battle of the Bands.  Students are invited to come in non-uniform and will need money to purchase tokens on the day that enables them to buy food, drinks and participate in activities. All proceeds from SFX Day go to our nominated charities.

On the day we will also announce the Endeavour Awards for 2019. The Endeavour Awards are conferred on one student from each year group who lives the College’s Vision; Living the truth, Leading with courage, Learning for life.


SFX Elective Showcase Night

I would like to invite parents and carers, along with students and staff to our SFX Elective Showcase Night on Tuesday 12 November.  This is an opportunity for you to see the incredible work of our students, including artwork, woodwork, robotics, photography, textiles, hospitality, video games, metal work, films and much more.

The event will commence at 5:00pm and I encourage all students and parents to RSVP and support this fabulous event.  We are asking for a gold coin donation upon entry – donations will go towards improving our Elective facilities and resources.  We will be providing canapes, so we can cater for the event please RSVP for the SFX Elective Showcase.


Term 4 Key Dates

Below are some key dates for you to mark on your calendar.  You can also check the College’s calendar on our website.



8 November SFX Day
12 November SFX Elective Showcase (Parents and families invited)
13 November Year 12 Breakfast and Assembly
14 November Senior Exams Commence
22 November Senior Exams Final Day
2 December Year 12 Graduation Mass and Awards Ceremony
3 December Year 10 Presentation Ceremony. Last Day for Year 10.
7 December Year 12 Formal (Invitations have been sent to parents)
11 December Year 7 2020 Orientation Day
13 December Last Day of Term 4 for Year 7-9 students


Best wishes

Paul Carroll



The College reception is open from 8.15am to 4.15pm, Monday to Friday during the school term.

02 6258 1055

Barnard Circuit
Florey ACT 2615
PO Box 3248 BC
Belconnen ACT 2617

The student office is open from 8.15am to 4.00pm, Monday to Friday during the school term.



Contact the Enrolment Officer for any questions regarding enrolment at St Francis Xavier College.


St Francis Xavier College Florey
Catholic Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn Education Limited
ABN 60 675 797 734
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