Remembering and celebrating
March 31, 2023Remembering the triple disaster
Year 8 Immersion students Imogen, Clare and Grace, recently led a whole school morning prayer remembering the triple disaster in the Tohoku region of Japan 12 years ago. Students delivered a bilingual prayer acknowledging the hardship of all peoples around the world who suffer the short and long term impacts of disaster. Students had the opportunity to engage with a display in the Resource Centre over the past few weeks that featured poetry written by survivors in the temples that were transformed into emergency shelter following the earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear meltdown. Students were also able to view an authentic ‘randoseru’ backpack which is featured in many of the photos of the aftermath of the disaster.

Harmony Week
As part of Harmony Week celebrations, Year 12 student Alexia translated and delivered our College prayer in Japanese. Harmony Week celebrations also saw many students try the traditional Japanese games at lunchtime. An exciting new addition to our celebrations this year was a special Spanish dancing lesson led by our new Spanish teacher, Mrs Adriana Estrada-Garcia. Staff and students alike were delighted with the growth in their salsa skills by the end of lunch that day! Gracias Senorita!

Japanese dress
Inline with Year 9’s unit about milestones, Japanese students explored Japanese dress this week.

Bakonji’s Bento Bonanza!
Seasons are important to the Japanese and we celebrated the start of Autumn with a Japanese obento lunch picnic—Bakonji’s Bento Bonanza—for Japanese students and staff this week. If you missed out this time, there will be another picnic in Semester 2 and we would love you to join us!