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The return to the classroom

June 2, 2020

Dear students, parents and carers,

As lockdown restrictions are slowly being lifted to varying degrees, we enter a time of transition and adjustment. The circumstances of this situation have significantly affected us all. For some it has been an opportunity to reflect on what is important, whilst others have embraced the opportunity to learn new things. I wrote about this period being an opportunity to learn and try new things in the College newsletter at the start of the remote learning period and many of us are hearing and seeing evidence of this in our classrooms and elsewhere around the school.

Many young people may be excited at the prospect of restrictions being lifted; others may feel mixed emotions. At SFX, we have seen some students thrive in the remote learning environment; others have told us how difficult it was and of their desire to get back to school. Reactions will differ depending on how well they cope with stress and change. Keeping a check on your child’s mental health and wellbeing as they adjust to new routines, will be vitally important.

There is still a lot of uncertainty ahead of us, so focusing on the things you can control or enjoy doing or even value, can help establish predictability and familiarity for the whole family. Adult carers need to provide young people with reassurance by acknowledging any concerns and fears they may have at this time. Consider this to be a normal reaction, however it may be best to focus more on their feelings and emotions, rather than the practicalities at this stage.

I have used this platform previously to plug a fantastic resource the College subscribes to – Schooltv: https://sfx.act.schooltv.me . Schooltv provides excellent resources from experts in the field of child and adolescent health, and they have recently added a special report on the return to school post-remote learning: https://sfx.act.schooltv.me/wellbeing_news/special-report-coronavirus-transition-back

As always, I am happy to hear any feedback or to discuss any aspects of this report.

If you do have any concerns about the wellbeing of your child, please contact the school for further information or seek medical or professional help.


Mr Martin Mullin
Assistant Principal – Student Wellbeing 


The College reception is open from 8.15am to 4.15pm, Monday to Friday during the school term.

02 6258 1055

Barnard Circuit
Florey ACT 2615
PO Box 3248 BC
Belconnen ACT 2617

The student office is open from 8.15am to 4.00pm, Monday to Friday during the school term.



Contact the Enrolment Officer for any questions regarding enrolment at St Francis Xavier College.


St Francis Xavier College Florey
Catholic Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn Education Limited
ABN 60 675 797 734
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