Year 7 become Stewards of Creation
July 30, 2021Throughout Term Two, Year 7 students have been learning about Christian Stewardship and how to be a Steward of Creation. Students have learnt about the indivisible relationship between God, the Environment and Humanity. We have also explored our First Nations People’s inextricable connection to land and their role in land preservation.
Friday 28 May, students travelled to Tidbinbilla to make tangible connections between classroom content and their roles as stewards of the world. The day was filled with a range of activities and learning opportunities, such as spending time at Hanging Rock an Aboriginal sacred site, walking through the nature reserve to try to spot platypus and a visit to the koala sanctuary. It is through these firsthand experiences that students gain a deeper understanding of the importance to care for the natural environment and all of God’s creations.
Student reflections
“On Friday we went to Tidbinbilla. We all had a lot of fun. Our Hums classes visited many places, hanging rock, the koala enclosure, and the wetlands. My favourite was Hanging Rock because it was a very meaningful place.”
– Jessamine Alston-Campbell
“I enjoyed seeing the Koala sanctuary because it helped me understand the importance of their habitat. I’d love to learn more about the animals who live there such as lizards, birds and platypus. I’d also like to learn more about the types of ceremonies that may have been held there and their importance to First Nations people. I hope we can visit Tidbinbilla again as it was a very fun and important learning opportunity. It helped us to add to what we learnt in class since it was interactive, casual and active.”
– Evelyn Brown
“The excursion was fun, and Hanging Rock was really cool.”
– Tayah Johnston
“I loved going to Hanging Rock. I loved it because it had so much history to tell, and you could imagine the families and ceremonies that had been held here. I also loved how it was such a perfect shelter and it was in a calm environment. I learnt that the Aboriginal People know which way is South because of where the moss grows. I found it amazing how they found this out, I wonder what other things they found out.”
– Sarah Rabbets
A great day was had by all!
It would be remiss of us not to thank Mrs Teressa Patterson and Mrs Abbey Kennedy for their hard work and preparation in organising the excursion.