Overdue Assessment Procedure
May 12, 2022We have been working hard with Students across Years 7 to 12 to help them understand the importance of meeting deadlines and applying themselves to all assessment tasks to the best of their ability.
To help parents understand the consequences of handing in assessment tasks late without an approved reason, we have included our Overdue Assessment Procedure to clarify the process.
An approved reason is:
- medical documentation/certificate
- student has approached teacher in advance and been granted an extension
- family emergency where parents have contacted the Year Coordinator and/or class teacher
- communication between parents/careers and class teacher to identify issue and implement an alternative.
Parents will be notified through Compass if their child has not submitted an assessment task. Exceptions to this will be if extensions have been granted in consultation with the teacher before the due date.
We ask that parents take an active role in helping their child take responsibility for the completion of assessment tasks and meeting all deadlines by the due date. We request parents contact the classroom teacher if there are circumstances that are preventing this from happening well before the due date (a minimum of 3 days prior is required).
Support systems
The College has several support systems in place to help guide students and parents through this process. All information on assignments can be found on Canvas and on the relevant year group assessment calendar found on the school website, http://sfx.act.edu.au
We also provide afterschool homework help for students to attend in the Resource Centre Mondays till 4.00pm and lunchtime support for students, to assist them when they are struggling with their course work.
Communication is a vital part of helping students be successful in their learning and we encourage students and parents to communicate with class teachers, Study Coordinators and Year Coordinators if there are issues pertaining to student welfare that impact on their learning and/or successful completion of assessment.
For students in Years 9 and 10, to achieve their Year 10 Certificate at St Francis Xavier College they are required to submit ALL assessment and participate in ALL class tasks, including regular class attendance. If a student does not meet these requirements the awarding of the Year 10 Certificate could be in jeopardy.
All students from Year 7–12 are expected to complete homework and assessment in all classes. Students who need extra support to complete assessment tasks are encouraged to speak to their classroom teacher or the Study Coordinator before the due date.
Students in Years 7–10 who do not submit assessment tasks will not be able to demonstrate they have met the Australian Curriculum Achievement Standards and therefore their overall grade will be impacted by the non-submission.
Students in Years 11 and 12 who do not submit assessment tasks on the due date will not be able to demonstrate they have met the BSSS standards and will incur a 5% penalty per day up to 7 days (including weekends). After 7 days a notional zero will be awarded and students are at risk of voiding the unit. (See Senior Handbook for further information).
When a student fails to submit an assessment task by the due date
The classroom teacher will enter an OVERDUE ASSESSMENT notice through Compass. This will generate an email notification that will be sent to parents.
Teachers will mark students’ assessment task as if it were handed in on time and give the student relevant feedback on the assessment task. They will then apply the penalty (see table below) to inform students how the late submission has affected their overall grade.
After 5 days If the assessment task is not submitted, without appropriate medical certification or justified parent communication, teachers will need to record a NON-SUBMISSION (NS) notification through Compass and this will notify the relevant Study Co and Year Co.
This task will not be marked or graded after the 5 days and a lunch time make up session will be run by AP Teaching and Learning.
Please note: The penalties below only apply to those tasks not submitted without justified reasons. Students who have medical documentation or have applied for an extension through their class teacher will not be penalised.
Year 7 & Year 8 consequences of overdue assessment on assessment grade
Students in Year 7 and 8 will be asked to use lunchtime/s to complete the overdue task. The work will be collected and marked, unless it reaches the 5 days without any attempt to attend the lunchtime catch ups. The penalty for submitting the task 5 days late will result in a NS. This results in no grade being awarded for this task which will impact the overall course grade.
Year 9 & Year 10 consequences of overdue assessment on assessment grade
Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 |
Day 5 |
The penalty for submitting the task 1 day late will result in the maximum grade that can be awarded is a B Grade. | The penalty for submitting the task 2 days late will result in the maximum grade that can be awarded would be a C Grade. | The penalty for submitting the task 3 days late will result in the maximum Grade that can be awarded is a D Grade. | The penalty for submitting the task 4 days late will result in the maximum Grade that can be awarded would be a E Grade. | The penalty for submitting the task 5 days late will result in a NS. This results in no grade being awarded for this task which will impact the overall course grade. |
NON-SUBMISSION (NS) on a task means they are at risk of failing the unit and may not receive their Year 10 certificate.
Please note students in Year 9 and 10 who do not have regular attendance and meet all assessment deadlines may only be awarded a Certificate of Attainment not a Year 10 Certificate.