Cyber safety speaker addresses SFX students – reflection by Tara Ngui (Year 11 student)
April 1, 2021On the 23rd of March we were grateful to receive a visit from Brett Lee, former detective and employee of the Department of Homeland Security, the FBI and the AFP. He spoke to students from Year 7 – 11 about cyber safety and how to make the right choices and protect yourself from the hazards of safety on the Internet. For over 20 years Brett has been dedicated to working in cyber security to protect the most vulnerable in our community. In partnership with the Internet Education and Safety Services Brett has reached over 200,000 students with the aim to educate them on the skills and knowledge they need to use the internet safely. Brett spoke to us about the importance of being safe and smart online. He addressed the dangers of social media and our rights and responsibilities online. He also addressed the legal aspects regarding the fields of digital compliance, internet safety and cyberbullying. His presentation was extremely informative and successful in educating us, as young adults, in the dangers of the digital world.
Article by Tara Ngui (Year 11 student)