Finding Treasure in Book Week 2018
September 3, 2018
By Rachael Hind and Erin Pitt

In Week 5 the Resource Centre staff organised a variety of activities to celebrate Book Week with the theme ‘Find Your Treasure.’ On Monday and Tuesday some talented music students entertained us at lunchtime with some relaxing tunes. Thank you to the musicians, teachers and crew for making this event happen so smoothly.
Many people stopped by and browsed our Pop-up Bookshop hosted by Leisha from Book Passion at the Belconnen Markets. How lucky we were to have such a wonderful selection of books brought to us to peruse and purchase.
Many students enjoyed creating Book Art with recycled materials on Wednesday and our Reading Café students created colourful and detailed dragons from the story Boy by Phil Cummings on Thursday.
Congratulations to 7G1 on winning the Book Week Pastoral Quiz. They enjoyed their pizza lunch immensely. Congratulations also to Daniela Munoz, Jeewani Fernando and Kate Kirk on winning the Shredded Book Competition. Enjoy your chocolate!
Our Middle School students had the opportunity to vote on their favourite CBCA shortlisted book in the Older Readers Category. In the Dark Spaces by Cally Black was very popular as was Mallee Boys by Charlie Archbold.
We hope you enj0yed Book Week, as much as our hardworking staff enjoyed their very special Book Week cake created by Amanda from Tophat Cupcakes, who incidentally, is an ex-student of SFX.
Happy reading,
Mrs Hind and Mrs Pitt.