Inaugural SFX Writer’s Festival
May 16, 2018
The inaugural SFX Writer’s Festival will be held in Week 9, 25-29 June 2018.
The SFX Writer’s Festival will provide many opportunities for our community to be inspired by the reading and writing process.
Included in the festival will be a variety of author sessions, a literary breakfast, a ‘blog/vlog how to session,’ a pop-up bookshop, an illustrator at work in our Hub and much more.

Information will follow in further newsletters regarding our program of events.
A wonderful way for students to engage in the SFX Writer’s Festival is to enter one of the three competitions available.
The ‘Bonza Blurb’ competition is open to Year 9 students and the ‘Illustration’ and ‘First Chapter’ competitions are open to all students.
Get started working on your entries now to be in the running to win a Westfield voucher. Entries are due to the Resource Centre by 12 June.
For further information please see the Resource Centre Staff.