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Oceania region shares God

May 12, 2023

‘Humanity often finds itself uncertain, bewildered and anxious. But the word of God knows no decline; throughout history and among changing events, it remains firm and gives light (St John Paul II’s Message to Young People, 1997). This light and renewal were very much felt and experienced by three people from SFX, Katie B of Year 11, Ellen C of Year 12 and Mr Ferenc.

They attended the Oceania Evangelisation Conference that gathered over a thousand people across Fiji, Papua New Guinea, New Zealand, Solomon Islands, Tonga and Australia. It was great to hear from other leaders across Oceania speak of the work of evangelisation in their own context and give testimonies on how the Holy Spirit is working in the lives of their leaders and communities. Music, drama, videos, prayers and Eucharist played an equally important part in this conference.

The conference has inspired all three of us to create more opportunities for evangelisation, sharing the message and teachings of Jesus Christ, at SFX. This can be done in a variety of ways, such as giving students a safe space to have conversations about their faith journey and a chance to get involved in the community. Re-forming the Youth Ministry would be a great starting point. We certainly have wonderful staff and students who can bring all those ideas to life and share their experience of Christ.

Katie B, Year 11

I can’t wait to see where God takes us with this. I think God is really giving us a chance to make a difference!


The College reception is open from 8.15am to 4.15pm, Monday to Friday during the school term.

02 6258 1055

Barnard Circuit
Florey ACT 2615
PO Box 3248 BC
Belconnen ACT 2617

The student office is open from 8.15am to 4.00pm, Monday to Friday during the school term.



Contact the Enrolment Officer for any questions regarding enrolment at St Francis Xavier College.


St Francis Xavier College Florey
Catholic Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn Education Limited
ABN 60 675 797 734
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