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Principal’s blog – 6 June 2022

June 6, 2022

Dear parents, students and staff

SFX was a polling booth for the recent election, fully immersing us in the election process—especially with some of the senior students and staff managing the democracy sausage BBQ. The funds raised from the BBQ will go to the House Charities we support annually. Regarding the result of the election itself, it is wonderful to see a much more gender balance of elected members across the country and in the leadership roles within Government.

Last week was Reconciliation Week, a time for the community to continue the dialogue of recognising our First Nations people in a more honest and purposeful manner. I am hopeful constitutional lawyers, parliamentarians, indigenous communities and the general public can find a path forward that will enable our country to heal in a way that enriches our nation. This prayer, from the Aboriginal Catholic Ministry of Victoria, invites us into the dialogue required:

Lord, open up our hearts so that we may hear the message you teach of a world in which the wrongs of the past are recognised –

a world in which reconciled people walk and talk together sharing stories;

a world in which all burn with the desire to have your peace and justice reign.

We ask this is Jesus’ name.



Parents, students and staff are invited to participate in the annual satisfaction survey, called “Tell Them From Me”. The feedback is very important for the SFX community as we adjust and modify policies, programs and procedures in continually looking for improvements at the College. Parents and staff have been sent their link and students will be provided their link on Monday evening for completion on Tuesday. The survey is open until the 10 June.

The relaxation of COVID-19 rules has seen students taking part in a variety of activities outside of the College. The Athletics carnival on 26 May was a wonderful event at the AIS. Our attendance on the day was quite disappointing at 55%, but those who came along and participated had a great day. Congratulations to Koorilla House on their success as the champion house. Multiple sports teams have been involved in school representative activities and our drama students performed exceptionally well at the Act Up! Student Festival at the Canberra Theatre. We had three Formula 1 in Schools teams compete in the Australian Championships in Melbourne with Team Innovation taking 3rd place, Team Proteira coming 4th and Team Synergise receiving an award in the developmental class for Best Team Verbal Presentation. The students in these teams have been working consistently over many months to get their cars and presentations refined. Team Innovation has been invited to the World Championships next year at a location to be confirmed but will align with a Formula 1 race. Congratulations to teacher, Graham Stock, for his induction as an Honourary Fellow of the Re-Engineering Australia Foundation in ‘recognition of efforts in building the STEM capacity of Australian Students’. This is a well-deserved acknowledgement for Mr Stock for his dedication to the students at SFX.

The CEO Vinnies Sleepout is scheduled for the 23 June 2022—current weather conditions suggest it is shaping up to be the coldest night for many years. SFX has been represented at the Canberra event over the last 3 years and we will be present once again. This year myself and Assistant Principals Dearne Bassett and Tracey Loughhead will attend to help raise awareness and financial support for those less fortunate. If you could see yourself clear to support the cause and highlight SFX’s contribution to the homeless and disadvantaged, please follow this link: https://www.ceosleepout.org.au/donation and sponsor either Dearne Bassett, Tracey Loughhead or Paul Carroll. We are not competing against each other and it doesn’t matter which name you choose as the cause is the focus on this occasion. Thank you in anticipation.


Best wishes

Paul Carroll



The College reception is open from 8.15am to 4.15pm, Monday to Friday during the school term.

02 6258 1055

Barnard Circuit
Florey ACT 2615
PO Box 3248 BC
Belconnen ACT 2617

The student office is open from 8.15am to 4.00pm, Monday to Friday during the school term.



Contact the Enrolment Officer for any questions regarding enrolment at St Francis Xavier College.


St Francis Xavier College Florey
Catholic Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn Education Limited
ABN 60 675 797 734
Proudly part of the community of

We acknowledge that we are living, leading and learning on Ngunnawal Land.
We celebrate the stories, culture and traditions of all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families in our community and pay respects to Elders past and present.

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