RoboCup International – Montreal 2018
August 3, 2018
By Peter Crane, IT Coordinator
On the 14th June 2018 two teams jetted out for Montreal and the International Robocup Competition.
The S.A.R.T. Rescue Team made up of Kyle Ewyk, Connor Kneebone and Ben Bartim-Hallett competed in the Rapid Manufactured Rescue Robot League. It was a very intensive competition and the team had several issues that they had to overcome to compete effectively. The team ended up mid pack but at the awards ceremony the team won the Open Source and Innovation award.
The Soccer Team made up of Marc Cooke-Russell, Ezekiel Graetz, Eamon Dalton and Nicholas Cresswell, competed in the Light Weight Soccer competition.
This competition had 28 teams from all over the world. The Students started strong and were winning games. With technical issues and a problem with the infrared soccer ball the students had a tough competition. Their dedication and commitment were truly tested but they came through with flying colours.
Even though they finished down the order, the lessons learnt, and information gained was immeasurable. So much so that the day after the competition the students were designing their next version, ready for Nationals in October.

It was a great experience; the students and teachers experienced the culture of Montreal. Met people from all over the world and competed at an International Competition, these experiences will stay with them for a life time. We would like to thank the Exec, the P & F and The Dept of Industry, Innovation and Science.
The grants we received reduced the cost significantly. We would also like to thank the parents for all their support and encouragement, without their support the trip would not have been possible. I would like to thank Graham Stock, Andrew Mackerras and Gerard Elias for all their hard work and extra hours they put in. It really is a school wide team effort to get teams like this ready for a big competition.
We have had help from other teachers, the Finance office, the student office and other Subject and Year Co-ordinators. We thank you all and we are now focusing on the Regional RoboCup to Be held in August and the National Competition to be held in October.