SFX Writers’ Festival Update
June 27, 2018
The staff of the Resource Centre have been extremely busy this week as they run the SFX Inaugural Writers’ Festival.
James Phelan Visits SFX
On Monday, author James Phelan (www.jamesphelan.com.au) came to spend the day at SFX. He gave workshops to our students and presented to the Year 9s in the theatre.
Artist @ Work
Local writer and illustrator Leanne Barrett visited us on Tuesday to display her artwork and demonstrate her illustrating techniques. Many of our students stopped to chat with Leanne and asked her questions about her writing and illustrating journey.
Check out Leanne’s website here: https://www.leannebarrett.com/
Panel Session
A group of staff and students gathered on Tuesday at lunchtime to listen to Loidee Santos, Beth Doherty and Dene Kermond speak about their personal writing journeys. This was a wonderful opportunity to get some writing tips and inspiration from our respected staff members.

Literary Breakfast
We were very blessed to host local author and Illustrator Tania McCartney at our literary breakfast on Wednesday morning. A group of students, teachers and community members gathered to eat delicious food prepared by the Canteen staff and listen to Tania speak about her writing journey.
Tania’s website can be found here: http://taniamccartneyweb.blogspot.com/

Green Screen
Students and teachers welcomed the chance to have a photo taken at literary locations around the world in the Resource Centre. This is a fabulous opportunity to showcase this technology for future endeavours and also a chance to have some fun.
We are very grateful for the support from students, teachers and community members of our Writer’s Festival. We hope you have benefited from the variety of experiences we have provided.
Rachael Hind and Erin Pitt