Sport News
December 11, 2020Girls’ Cricket
The 7/8 Girls’ Cricket team participated with great spirit and enthusiasm – playing hard all day! It was great to see those who hadn’t played before so willing to learn new skills. While the team didn’t win, there were some huge sixes hit and some classic catches taken!
The 9/10 Girls’ Cricket team had a very successful day despite a few last-minute students joining the team only the day before. The girls worked well together taking many wickets and smashing sixes and fours! The team was undefeated over the course of the day – well done girls!
Boys’ Cricket
It was a fantastic day for cricket! Both the 7/8 and 9/10 Boys’ Cricket teams enjoyed the day with some big hits, classic catches and the odd jaffa. They ran hard between the wickets, backed up in the field and patrolled the boundary. The 7/8 Boys’ team won 3/5 games and the 9/10 Boys’ team was undefeated. There were no winners on the day as it was all about participation but you’re all winners in our eyes – well done boys on an awesome effort!
7/8 Girls’ Rugby League 9’s
The 7/8 Girls’ Rugby League team played very well in the hot conditions – maintaining grit and determination throughout the day! The girls made it to the grand final and were up against the well drilled St Clare’s side. Unfortunately St Clare’s took the win (5 tries to 2). Well done to everyone who played – it was a fantastic effort and it was awesome to see so many girls interested in some tackle footy!