Sports News
October 29, 2020The latest School Sport ACT results!
As term 4 sports are well under way, just a friendly reminder that COVID-19 restrictions do still apply to school sport events. Unfortunately, spectators are still not permitted at gala day venues. Please continue to drop off and pick up students from the carpark. Thank you to everyone for doing such a great job with this!
College Boys Basketball team
Congratulations to the College Boys Basketball team who represented SFX at the gala day in Queanbeyan in week 1. The boys played with a competitive spirit making it to the final! The final was a tough match against Lake G in which the boys fought till the end. Congratulations on coming runners up!
College Girls Basketball team
Congratulations to the College Girls Basketball team who also represented SFX at the gala day in Queanbeyan in week 2. Although the girls did not win many games on the day, they played with great sportsmanship and had a lot of fun representing the college once again!