Vale Year 12, Class of 2018!
November 14, 2018
Today, 14 November, St Francis Xavier College formally farewelled our Year 12 Class of 2018.
Yesterday was their final day of classes, and today, they enjoyed a breakfast cooked by staff, speeches, and an all-college assembly.
The assembly consisted of an address from Acting Principal Colleen Rowe, a speech from the 2018 Captains Holly Freeman and Luke Houghton, and a moving tribute from Year Coordinator Bridie McNeill.
The senior leadership team officially passed the torch to the new team for 2019, and next year’s captains Batseba Araya and Charlie Mellick paid tribute to the outgoing cohort with their first speech.
We wish our 2018 cohort every blessing as they head out into the world!
Please enjoy the photos from the day.